California Laws: Continued progress

Our work continues to translate the results of the first California Laws Hackathon for public consumption:A small core of hackers, consisting of Grant Vergottini, Greg Willson, Mike Tahani and myself (with support from Karen Suhaka's excellent team at BillTrack50) is moving forward to apply the sample timeline to all  sections of California's codes, and... [Read More]

California Hackathon Update

Seven Google + hangouts, four countries, dozens of tweets, many coffees, discussions and coding sessions later, ready to call it a night for the California Law Hackathon. (twitter hashtag #calawhack).  Special guest appearance by John Sheridan, architect of and guidance on California data APIs from Grant Vergottini, architect of... [Read More]

California Laws: Great new ideas

Waldo Jaquith of the StateDecoded, and Matt Carey have added a number of excellent ideas for organizing California's laws as part of our California Law Hackathon (RSVP here). Do you have ideas for the hackathon?  Add them here*: ideas include:Cluster related code sections, for search and navigationCreate a timeline view... [Read More]

Legal Technology: Change is Coming

A transformation is taking place in the legal technology industry. An article article by Paula Hane in InfoToday entitled "Upstart Legal Services Gain Traction", highlights a number of new online services that are challenging traditional models - both in technology and legal practice. (Disclosure: there is a nice section on... [Read More]