A Cite to Behold: Standardizing Electronic Legal Citations

Citations are the hyperlinks of law, so it is natural to expect textual citations to be hyperlinked in electronic laws. Numerous parallel efforts are taking on this task for federal government documents online, making those documents easier to read and navigate. Derek Willis (@derekwillis) of the New York Times noticed these links... [Read More]

Almost Digital Congress: ToDo List

When fitness hero Jack Lalanne, then in his nineties, was asked about his sex life, he said that he and his wife had sex almost every night. "Almost Monday, almost Tuesday, almost Wednesday...". Similarly, if you ask me about progress in modernizing the legislative process, I would say that Congress... [Read More]

Code Across 2015 -- San Francisco -- And Hiring

I'm looking forward to join more than a hundred other programmers and civic activists at the Code Across 2015 event in SF, part of Code Across 2015, an event collaboratively organized by Code for America as part of International Open Data Day.The scope of Open Data Day can be seen... [Read More]